Food Festivals
Asturias is absolutely jam packed with food related events. From multi-day international symposiums, to yearly cheese judging, there is something pretty much every week. Rural market days, food focused village fiestas, and beer and cider festivals can be found throughout the year, and throughout Asturias.
Below is my calendar of food related events happening soon throughout Asturias. As more events are confirmed, I will add them as quickly as I can.
Weekly village markets are so numerous in Asturias that they are not included here, and instead have their very own map.
Xineru (January)
Fiesta de los Nabos -
Certamen de Queso Afuega'l Pitu
Febreru (February)
Jornadas del Pote y Pitu Caleya
Festival del Oricio
Concurso de Pinchos
Jornadas de la Calderada y Caldereta
Marzu (March)
Jornadas de los Oricios
Festival de la Angula
Abril (April)
El Bollo / Comida en la Calle - second weekend of the month
Feria de Quesos de Taramundi - second weekend of the month
Festival Internacional de Cerveza Artesano de Llangréu (FICAL) - second weekend of the month
Premir Sidre l'Añu - second weekend of the month, coincides with semana santa
Certamen de Quesos Artesanos de Asturias - third weekend of the Month
Festival de las Ostras del Eo - Last weekend of the month
Jornadas de la Sidra Natural en La Felguera - Last Saturday of the month
Mayu (May)
Festival del Arroz con leche - Second weekend of the month
Festival de Callos y Chipirón en Bañugues - third weekend of the month
Xunu (June)
Xunetu (July)
Prau Llagüezos - The first Sunday of the month
Festival de la Sidra de Nava - Second weekend of the month
Agostu (August)
El Xiringüelu - First weekend of the month
Fiesta de la Sidra de Gijón - Last week of the month
Certame del Quesu Cabrales - Last Sunday of the Month
Setiembre (September)
Concurso de Sidra Casera
Ochobre (October)
Feria de la Miel
Festival del Chosco de Tineo
Festa del Vino
Fiesta de los Callos
Festival del Potaje
Payares (November)
Jornadas de las Cebollas Rellenas
Jornadas del Boronchu y el Emberzau
Avientu (December)
Jornadas de los Pimientos Rellenos
Jornadas de Matanza
Jornadas de las Setas Silvestres