
From Eating Asturias, the Encyclopedia of Asturian Gastronomy

Internet resources that have been valuable to me in writing this website. Blogs and online magazines have their own index at my blogroll.

Food Resources

Early Modern Recipe Collection Online – Is it a blog? Is it a journal? Is it a database? Yes! It also is the source of almost all transcriptions of recipes from the early modern period, and is invaluable for those of us who care about how foods evolve over time as they move from place to place.

The Food Museum - A database of food historic places, people, institutions, plants, animals and more.

Food Timeline – Well researched, properly sourced, and easy to search. Who could ask for anything more?

Index of Food Studies Journals - I am also deeply indebted to Emily Contois for maintaining this invaluable resource (and which I regularly archive offline in the fear that her website might one day vanish).

Medieval and Renaissance Food: Sources, Recipes, and Articles - Greg Lindahl (better known as Gregory Blount of Isenfer) has compiled an excellent collection of digitized primary sources, individual recipes, and reference lists.

Middle Kingdom Cook’s Collegium - A loose collection of people interested in studying all aspects of research related to medieval and renaissance cooking.

Old Cook - European cultural heritage explored through medieval gastronomy.

The Sifter - A crowdsourced metadata database about food books, authors, recipes, and ingredients through history.

Southern Foodways Alliance – One of the most vital voices in food studies, and an essential connection to my home region. Grows more precious to me every year I am gone.

Language Resources

Nomenclátor de los seres vivos - The Asturian Society for the Sciences (Sociedá Asturiana de les Ciencies) maintains an amazing multi-lingual species nomenclature search engine. Enter an English, Castellano, Asturian, or Latin Binomial name for a plant, animal, or fungus, and get all the rest returned to you with pictures. Absolutely amazing work.

Política Llingüística - The Office of Linguistic Policy in Asturias publishes many useful items in its various campaigns to preserve and promote the Asturian language(s). Especially useful to me have been the Les coses pol so nome campaign and the La sidra, como siempre se dixo campaign.

Toponimia Asturiana - Editorial Prensa Asturiana[1] in collaboration with the Consejería de Cultura, Turismo y Comunicación del Principado de Asturias has made available a toponym search engine with detailed etymological information on each place name.

  1. the publishers of La Nueva España in Asturias, as well as many other regional newspapers including the German-language Mallorca Zeitung and the Adelaide Review in Australia.