Cerveza Nurse

From Eating Asturias, the Encyclopedia of Asturian Gastronomy

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A couple of friends from a home brew club decide to make a go of it and open their own brewery. A story so common in the States as to no longer attract even a local news story. But in Asturias, there is not the explosion of breweries that there has been in America. Not yet anyway. So when a story comes along like this, I pay attention.


Christian Álvarez Eslava and Javier Santamaría Fernández, nurses at the Central University Hospital of Asturias (HUCA) started a homebrew club or sorts with 10 friends. They so enjoyed their club that they thought to organize a beer festival in their town (Lugones), and figured that festival needed its own host beer. So they professionalized their beer brand, calling it Nurse after their own professions, and got to it. Given the state of the beer market in Spain, and the rather high tax burden for small businesses (many taxes in Spain come with very high minimum payments, making the initial stages of a business brutally hard), the partners have continued their nursing careers. Nurses by day, brewers by night! Currently they are “gypsy brewers” working in collaboration with other, larger breweries. Unfortunately this means that for the time being, there is no taproom to visit.

Beer Reviews

The following beers are made by Cerveza Nurse: